Tuesday, November 25, 2008

I am thankful, that I made it through High school even though I can't spell Sergeant....

The Husband

I am greatful for my eternal companion. For the memories we have made and for many more to come. I couldn't ask for a better husband (ask me again when he is back home and I am cleaning up after him).

The SEARGANT takes good care of us, and is an amazing FATHER.

More Thankfuls...

I am thankful for the beauty of this earth for a warm HOME because a house is a house but

when its warm and filled with LOVE its a home. ( I know it's hard to love in a cold house)

My Thanks-given....

I am Thankful for........My wonderful family each and everyone of them, on Earth and in
the spirit world each has touched me in someway or another, even my
(redhair,freckles, and abnormally large nostrils,better to smell with).
I am thankful for all the cute babies
our family has produced (check out Miles blog for the newest addition).

I am SUPER greatful for Temples, so that My wonderful family and I can be together forever
because this life is too SHORT.
