Friday, October 10, 2008

A family walk in Alaska

Cayley is learning about the Athabaskans in school and had to build her own model of an Athabaskan shelter. Although we have great resources in our own yard we thought we would take a walk to find items to build the shelter, or should we say a slide... the kids loved running and sliding in the snow, which was now packed down tightly on the roads..Ty thought it was great fun to let sally pull him on hs belly!I know it looks cold but it was actually very refreshing. I brought the camera because you never know what you will see around here, but we didn't run into any large creatures (I think we were way too loud and disturbed nature).

1 comment:

One proud Mommie said...

We just got back online..... Rylie looks like.... the "I can't put my arms down".. kid from The Christmas Story! You weren't kidding when you said you needed to do some winter clothes shopping! Love and miss you all. XOXOX for everyone even sally.. tally.. gabby... whatever the heck your dogs name is :)
